The Happiness of Nieces & Nephews

The Happiness of Nieces & Nephews

The most interesting information comes from children, for they tell all they know and then stop. ~ Mark Twain


If you have been reading this blog lately you know that I have been waiting on the birth of my latest nephew, Yogi.  Well I’m proud to say all 6 pounds 9 ounces has finally arrived, he’s absolutely adorable and we’re all excited to have him with us.  So tonight I thought I’d write a little bit about all six of the little joys that are my nieces and nephews, you’ve met the youngest little Yogi and now the rest.

My littlest niece Rooney is a complete and total wildcat, she’s a bundle of energy and already at 20 months she’s an absolute chatter box.  I haven’t seen her in person since she was three months old so something interesting has developed between us, I do believe my niece thinks I’m electronic.  She’s seen me on the computer, spoken and seen me on the phone and even seen me on television.  I look forward to seeing her soon and am not quite sure how she will react when she sees that I’m a lot less flat, a lot larger and a lot hairier in person.

My next niece is the budding star in our family, little Tessie the terrible is always on stage.  She dresses and acts and dances like a star and is utterly adorable.  She’s also incredibly loving and holds a special place in my heart, I live across the country from my family and Tessie is the only one of my nieces or nephews I met on the day of their birth.

Tessie’s older brother is the one I have the greatest hope might follow in his uncle’s footsteps and become a scientist.  He’s got a sharp mind and is quite fond of explaining scientific topics to his mother, my sister, a tall task as most of her teachers truly struggled with the that task.

Pumpkinhead is my oldest nephew, the one probably closest to me in personality.  He’s amazingly smart and quick and has the smart mouth to prove it.  Recently he announced himself to me as, “the man better than you.”  He’s the mystery to me out of all of them, he’s incredibly intelligent, not thrilled with books and very good with his hands.  Perhaps a budding engineer or a mechanic or the next Genghis Khan, only time will tell.

My oldest niece is the physically strongest kid I’ve ever met, since she was little she could punch like and adult man and heave a ball farther than kids twice her age.  But the most amazing thing about her is that she is a giant ball of love, the absolute most loving human being I’ve ever known.  These traits however are a dangerous combination, when you visit from far away you are subjected to the most wonderful and bone-crushing hugs you can imagine.  I fear soon she will pick me up off my feet when she hugs.

I’ve only had the pleasure of getting the whole crew together once, they only numbered four at that point and it was one of the craziest and best days I’ve ever had.  Having these munchkins in my life is a great way to have happy days my friends.  ~ Rev Kane

About Michael Kane

Michael Kane is a writer, photographer, educator, speaker, adventurer and a general sampler of life. His books on hiking and poetry are available in soft cover and Kindle on Amazon.
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2 Responses to The Happiness of Nieces & Nephews

  1. Lynn Clark says:

    Beautiful, despite the dig at my Science disability. The irony is that I am teaching it now! We love you Uncle Mike!

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