Goal Setting for Happiness

I believe in goal setting, even for relaxation and vacation. So on my recent vacation I set some very specific goals. Goal number one was to do as little as possible. Goal number two was to maximize my relaxation by getting multiple massages over the week. Goal number three was to avoid work in any way for the week.

Unfortunately, I failed slightly on goal number three. I ended up having to redo a piece of paperwork for a conference refund that was due during the week. There was also an rather serious complaint that I had to be looped in on so the president called to loop me in as well as get my opinion on a decision he’s making as well as inform me of a decision he made that impacted (in a positive way) one of my staff members. I didn’t mind him calling at all, he’s our interim president until the end of the month, I call him Yoda because he’s the wisest administrator I’ve ever worked with. So for him, vacation interruption is fully allowed. So I did fail on this goal, happily earlier in the week and I did what you need to do when you fail, forgave myself, vowed to do better and moved forward. And in that I was successful and didn’t do any work the rest of the week.

On goals one and two I was extremely successful, two nice ninety minute massages, a lot of blog writing for my new UFO site alienbluebook.com, lots of walks on the beach. Lots of sitting and simply watching waves and afternoon naps.

Finally, I rolled up the coast a bit and did some photography with an elephant seal community and down into Cambria to shoot the Santa Rosa Cemetery.

I wrapped up the week at home working on my little garden, I’ve got two new tomatoes coming in. I made some great food and did a little horse wagering on the Belmont Stakes and ended up winning about $1000. So, tonight I sit here more relaxed than I’ve been in quite some time. I give my return to work about two days to ruin it, but it’s necessary to take these breaks and I really needed this one.

So my friends, take those breaks, get that down time, it’s a way to make your health and happiness a priority. Do it, and have a happy day my friends. ~ Rev Kane

About Michael Kane

Michael Kane is a writer, photographer, educator, speaker, adventurer and a general sampler of life. His books on hiking and poetry are available in soft cover and Kindle on Amazon.
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