Reminiscing about Happy Times

happiness burning man
Rev Kane in his first year at Burning Man

You know, you could kind of call this post a greatest hits list. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about adventure, I’m entering year five at my job and over the last 15 years I haven’t worked more than three years in a row, so I’m feeling a bit boxed in, at least for another 18 months, which honestly feels as long as this sentence. So tonight, some reminiscing and yes I linked that to the song from the 70’s.

Cycling in Ireland – Three times I’ve done an amazing cycling trip in the Galway region of Ireland, it’s a really spectacular piece of the world.

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Rev Kane in Ireland

Hugging Grey Whales in Mexico – I took some time down in Baja to spend a week spotting grey whales. Amazingly, the interactions we had were fantastic and the most amazing of all, I go to hug an 80,000 pound grey whale in the wild.

Photographing Polar Bears in Canada – I spent five days in Churchill, Manitoba, the polar bear capital of the world. For three days I photographed polar bears and checked off a giant bucket list item when I saw the northern lights for the first time. Not only saw them, but saw an unbelievable display.

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My Polar Bear Selfie

Hiking in Scotland – I’ve hiked across Scotland three times. My latest adventure included doing both the Great Glen and West Highland Ways.

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Rev Kane goin native in the Scottish Highlands

Swimming with Whale Sharks – I took an afternoon one day while in Atlanta to sleep with the whale sharks in the Georgia Aquarium.

Walking the Appalachian Trail – I hiked a thousand miles of the Appalachian Trail, wrote a book about it, Appalachian Trail Happiness and made some amazing friends.

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Awesome, Backtrack, Rev Kan, and the Kingfisher

Living in Oaxaca – I spent three months living in Oaxaca, Mexico and absolutely fell in love with the place. It is a center for the Day of the Dead (DOTD) in Mexico and the first place I bought a piece of DOTD art from.

Havasupai Falls – The first lottery hike I’ve ever done, it took me three weeks of calling daily to score a slot. Havasupai Falls sits at the edge of the Grand Canyon and was one of the most amazing places I’ve ever been.

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Havasu Falls

Petra, Wadi Rum and The Dead Sea – This trip to Jordan checked off two huge bucket list items, floating in the Dead Sea and visiting maybe the most amazing ancient city on earth.

Pure joy floating on the Dead Sea

Burning Man – I spent eight different years attending Burning Man, the most indescribable, amazing, fascinating and relaxing week you can imagine.

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The Phoenix Art Installation at Burning Man

About Michael Kane

Michael Kane is a writer, photographer, educator, speaker, adventurer and a general sampler of life. His books on hiking and poetry are available in soft cover and Kindle on Amazon.
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2 Responses to Reminiscing about Happy Times

  1. gloria mcroberts says:

    A life well lived!!

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